2025 3 on 3 League
Details on structure of the league
Mar 16, 23, 30, Apr 6, 13
FEE: $140
If you would like to be added to the waitlist,
email bobfoley411@gmail.com
2025 Summer Camps
June 16-20
July 14-18
July 28-Aug 1
FEE: $265 before April 1
All leagues and camps for boys and girls ages 6 - 14
Held at the Steward School in Henrico, VA
Contact Louise Foley (bobfoley411@gmail.com) with any questions
Register for a Camp:
CAMP REFUND POLICY: 48 hour notice is required for all camp refunds (minus $50 administration fee). Once the multiple day Camps begin, refunds will only be given due to injury (a doctors note is required). The refund will be prorated minus the administrative fee. Camps can be switched to another session without penalty with 7 days notice. If a player does not attend a camp and there is no prior communication, there will be no refund or credit.
All Camps and Clinics at
The Steward School
11600 Gayton Road
Richmond, VA 23238
Bob Foley Next Level BasketballCONCUSSION PROTOCOL
Next Level Basketball has developed this protocol to address the issue of the identification and management of concussions for basketball participants
A safe return to activity is important for all participants following any injury, but it is essential after a concussion. The goal of this concussion protocol is to ensure that concussed participants are identified, treated and referred appropriately for return to play. Consistent use of a concussion management protocol will ensure that the participant receives appropriate follow-up in order to make certain that the participant is fully recovered prior to returning to full activity.
This protocol will be reviewed annually by Bob Foley. Changes and modifications will be reviewed and written notifications will be provided to all participants parents.
Recognition of Concussion
These signs and symptoms – following a witnessed or suspected blow to the head or body – are indicative of a probable concussion.
Signs (observed by others) Symptoms (reported by athlete) Forgets playsAppears dazed or stunnedHeadacheExhibits confusionFatigueUnsure about game, score, opponentNausea or vomitingMoves clumsily (altered coordination)Double vision, blurry visionBalance problemsSensitive to light or noisePersonality changeFeels sluggishResponds slowly to questionsFeels “foggy”Forgets events prior to hitProblems concentratingForgets events after the hitProblems rememberingLoss of consciousness (not required )
Any participant who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion will be removed from activity and will not be allowed to participant in any activity until the participant has been examined by a medical professional and received written permission to participate.
-Parents/Guardian must present a medical professional’s documentation that includes the following:
Diagnosis Duration of treatment Return to activity date